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Takin' it to the "Streets"

Clothing, Toiletries, and Financial Donations Can be Received on

Tues Mornings 8am-10am and

Sunday Afternoons 2pm-5pm

Please do not drop off during other times unless pre-arranged with the Streets Director


Homeless Ministry



2:00-5:30pm; Worship at 3:30pm

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Takin' it to the Streets

Each week EFBC sends out our big yellow bus and church van to pick up the homeless men and women in Escambia County who would like to come to our church for services.


We provide showers, toiletries, emergency clothing, and survival gear (tents, tarps, sleeping bags). 


A Worship Service takes place at 3:30pm followed by a hot meal, and transportation back to where they were picked up.




Musicians, speakers, cooks, servers, clean up crew and many others behind the scenes, offer their time, talents and finances to see that the needs of the homeless population continue to be met on a weekly basis.  It is truly a "God Thing" to watch it all come together each Sunday!


​If you are interested in joining us one Sunday to see what it's all about-please contact us via the form on the bottom of this page, or contact Pastor Jeff directly at

850-530-2429 for more information.

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Donation Needs

Ongoing Needs: Men & Women's Jeans, Men's Tactical Pants, Tarps, Tents, Sleeping Bags, New Socks, New Underwear for Men and Women, Toiletries, Bug Spray, Athletic/Walking Shoes for Men & Women


​If you would like to donate any of the listed items, you can do so on Sunday afternoons between 2:00-5:00pm


Financial donations are always needed to help with operational costs. Checks can be mailed to

Ensley First Baptist Church

50 W. Johnson Ave. Pensacola, FL 32534 

Designate "Streets" on the memo line


Or you can donate online, using the donate button on this page


Thank You for all the donations and help

we receive on a regular basis! 

Map in Grass

The church supports both
local and overseas missions

Ensley First Baptist Church

50 W. Johnson Ave

Pensacola, FL 32534


2024 EFBC

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